Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Little Politics...

Today I heard an ambassador speak. She was ambassador to the UN, head of a delegation that brings recommendations to the UN about the advancement of women worldwide. Something she said really struck me. She told us about a proposal they brought to the UN last year in attempt to stop what she called “infanticide,” the killing of baby girls by abortion, simply because they are girls. She told how prevalent this activity is in other countries where families are encouraged by the government to limit the number of children they have, and where boy children are considered more valuable than girls. Here’s what’s interesting: Though abortion is legal in our country and most other ones, this group still considers the abortion of little girls “infanticide.” So it’s ok to abort any baby just because they aren’t convenient, but not ok to abort a baby due to its sex. Wait a minute. Wasn’t the feminist movement pivotal in the legalization of abortion? Wonder if they anticipated this future fight for the rights of unborn baby girls who are being killed because they are girls? I suppose that’s not what they meant by the right to choose. They wanted the right to choose to destroy any unborn child for any reason, but now it certainly rubs the wrong way to know that that choice to end a baby’s life could be based on its sex. Now I consider myself an evangelical feminist. I appreciate the honor and equality that the feminist movement has afforded for women. I just can’t help observing that anything taken to extreme is harmful. Here, we see the painful results of something the feminist movement held dear: the so-called right to choose twisted into something no feminist wants to hear or see. Definitely a thought worth pondering…


Rebecca Jeffries-Hyman said...

I'm particularly interested in the term "infanticide." Since when is it politically acceptable to refer to an unborn child as an "infant?" I thought they were supposed to just be "fetuses."
When it serves our purpose to humanize the unborn, we are more than willing to make a change in terminology, I suppose.

- Christy

Rebecca Jeffries-Hyman said...

Yes, the same thing struck me as really odd. Isn't it funny how things backfire?