Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Joyous Vernal Equinox To You

Hooray! Spring is here! Not that it hasn't already been here for a couple of months...Florida doesn't exactly have seasons. But that has never stopped me from celebrating them! When I had my first baby, I knew I wanted to celebrate Earth's seasons and teach my kids about the cycles of life that are around us. There is so much to be learned - just by being out there and paying attention.
So, I really love spring. Next to fall, it's my favorite. I always want to wear pastels and plant flowers (see my post about the baby snowbushes for more info on what a sucky gardener I am...) and twirl around in fields of wildflowers wearing a cotton sundress and no shoes. Sorry. I didn't mean for you to know that part.
Being the middle of the week, however, it was a little tough to come up with celebratory activities. But we did manage to have our traditional Vernal Equinox breakfast:

Yep. Shredded wheat bird nests. Held together with marshmallow fluff (which is okay for breakfast in my book). And filled with Whopper eggs.

DAILY BLISS: Well, for one thing, Whopper eggs for breakfast. And I had lots of fun talking to my work-friend Julianna today.

<3 Christy

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