Monday, January 22, 2007

Steak, anyone?

The only interesting thing that happened to me today happened as I was driving to pick up the kids from school. I have to come back into town on a wide-open, country road (County Line Road to West Pipkin for you Lakelanders, though it's quickly becoming less wide-open...), and there was only one other car on the road with me. It was a big truck hauling a cow in a trailer. I really like cows.
This particular road merges down into one lane, and I seriously did not want to get stuck behind this big truck with some old guy driving slowly in front of me, having nothing to see but a cow's ass. No problem. I pulled far ahead of him on the left, even while obeying the speed limit. I really smiled at the cow as I went past him. He seemed friendly. Not far from the big merge, the big old truck, which had been happily trailing far behind me (remember - it's just the two of us on the road) decided he wanted to be in front after the merge. So he sped up.
Why do men do this, I ask you? We were not even near each other, and I didn't really want to be right behind the cow's less-friendly end. For some reason, he could NOT have me be in front of him. Even way in front was not acceptable - so far in front that we were completely unrelated drivers.
I just thought that was an interesting thing. Perhaps a testosterone thing. Although, judging by my reaction, I was feeling rather competitive myself about being in front. But I found it more curious than infuriating. I'm still mystefied.

DAILY BLISS: It was going to be smiling at the cow as I pulled in front of him, but it didn't end up being that blissful. Hmm.....what else? I know! Cleaning out a desk drawer at work! That felt great! It may take a while, but that desk will be all mine eventually, and I will know where the last secretary hid EVERYTHING and will put it in a place that makes sense to me.

<3 Christy

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