Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Do you ever find yourself overcome by the feeling that you need to rip something to shreds, jump through the window and just run, screaming, down the street? This happens to me sometimes. More often than I'd like anybody to know about, really.
It happened to me in the car this morning on the way to the kids' school. The sky was so beautiful and I just wanted to go to the park....but instead, I have to be responsible and take my kids to school, take my dog to my mom's (she has a nervous condition and doesn't do well when we're gone...but that's a topic for some other day), and drive all the back roads to work because I can't find change for the nice toll road.
I think I'm just feeling the squeeze of taking on a lifestyle that I don't really want. If you have known me for a long time, you will know that all I have ever wanted out of life is to just be a mom, and preferably a stay-at-home one. So, every time I have to get a job to pay some bills, it takes me away from my dream and my purpose. That's always rough on me. I know that everybody has to do it sometimes, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
So I end up feeling trapped and all of my instincts rise up to fight against it. I am Scottish after all. We're the original Barbarians.
Anyway, it's not as bad as it all sounds....I just had that moment this morning. Overall, it's been a pretty flat transition so far. No extreme emotions, just doing what I have to do. I think that moments like those, maybe I should call them Incredible Hulk moments, just remind me that I'm still me inside and that my inner, responsible mother hasn't squashed my inner wild child.

DAILY BLISS: Driving fast with really loud music. Good for whatever ails you.

<3 Christy

1 comment:

Rebecca Jeffries-Hyman said...

Oooo I have Incredible Hulk moments regularly! Perfect name for it!! Although any employer is lucky to have you, my friend, I still am praying that doors open for you to do what lights you up inside. I want that for you. -Beck