Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Everyday Bliss

My son had a friend sleep over last night, trying to squeeze the last bit of fun out of summer. They were very cute. My little girl, however, felt quite left out. So, we donned our little aprons and made cupcakes for the boys. She was so proud to ice those things and put sprinkles on their fluffy tops! Her face just lit up when they asked for more! The way to a man's heart, baby.
I suppose, though, the best moment of the evening was when I was driving the kids through a fast food joint for supper (man food, you see). I overheard my son telling his friend, "I can't wait for you to meet my dad! You're really going to like him. He's really cool." I wish I'd been able to get that on tape. I'm sure I'll need to replay it in about five years, just to make sure it really happened. But in the meantime, I'm reveling in my husband being an awesome dad, and in his face when I told him the news!

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