Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Becky's Movie Musings

Saw the movie John Tucker Must Die on Monday. It served as an appropriate end to a few action packed, interesting days. The movie, funny in some places, completely inappropriate in others, was to me a documentary about some of the interaction I’ve watched among men and women and experienced myself… before I got to the edge, that is! The girls in the movie have all been played by a gorgeous guy. They plot revenge and work together to bring him to his knees. They forge fragile friendships based on their common anger. However, when things take a turn and it seems the decoy girl might chicken out of the plan, the girls quickly return to the former argument about who should have John Tucker for her own. Though he has cheated on and lied to all of them, and in truth, deserves none of them, they would clearly rather have him, the cheater, than be on their own…. Alone.

Normally this phenomenon may have escaped my attention, but this particular time I was keenly aware of it. The girls' fear of flying solo really grabbed my attention. The movie placed a spotlight on one of the most common hurdles we face as humans: fear of the unknown! Those girls were content to settle for second best rather than take the risk of stepping out into something new. We see this behavior repeated again and again in relationships, but also in other areas of life. The worst of situations are sometimes where we prefer to stay, because the unknown is more frightening to us than our bad situation. For some, taking the risk of stepping out into something new produces paralyzing fear. Somehow we are afraid to let go and forge ahead into uncharted territory. It made me think of the edge... how I'm coming to a place where I'm tired of the safe familiarity of the way I've always been. I'm ready to enjoy living on the edge! I'm no longer afraid of the unknown, but I'm having a wonderful time exploring something new. A woman on the edge knows how to push past the fear of the unknown and enjoy the adventure life can be!! It's faith! Faith is what gets me past the scary thoughts and on to the joy of life on the edge! There is One immovable factor in my life... Jesus. My faith in His stability opens the door to new heights of passion, new possibilities of adventure. THIS is fun!!! Sorry, John Tucker! I'm off to Something more!!!

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