Monday, March 10, 2008

Tazmanian Devil

Right now my brain is in total chaos. Do you ever have so many ideas, so much information, things to remember, things to do, rolling around in your head that you feel you might go right on off the deep end? THAT'S ME RIGHT NOW!!

I have messages to prepare for two social worker appreciation luncheons I'll be speaking for this week, I'll be leading worship at church this Sunday, so I need to plan that, I'll be playing for a wedding on Saturday, and I'm putting together a big event at work, plus I need to mop my floor, scrub my countertops, pay some bills, and wash my car. So what am I doing about it?? I'm writing a blog, that's what I'm doing!!

Know what I wish I could do? I wish I could move like the Tazmanian Devil could on Looney Tunes when I was a kid. That crazy guy could whirl around everywhere and he moved so fast it made your head spin. Of course, now that I think about it, he couldn't speak coherently could he? Maybe I'm better off with the spunk of Daffy Duck. Then again, Bugs Bunny's eloquence could really come in handy. Gimme some of Wiley Coyote's determination and Smurfette's feminine appeal and I could REALLY go somewhere!!

Ah well... I suppose I'll just settle for plain ol' me. And one thing at a time I'll grab the stuff that is swirling and flying about in my head and nail each thing down somewhere. One thing at a time. So if I don't post for a few days, you know what I'm up to.

That's all, Folks!!! :)


Mary said...

That's where I live. Never enough time to do all the things my imagination comes up with. I think heaven is going to be a wonderful that way...we'll think of something and have all the time and resources to do it. Wow!!!!

Christy said...

Woooo girl!
Amazing, Mary, that as I was frogging a knitting project on my porch today, I was contemplating that very thing. How, in heaven, I'll be able to make cable-knit sweaters for everyone and shawls galore. Probably won't have to frog anything either.
Darling B - I'm waving my magic wand at you, but it doesn't seem to be reaching that far. Wish I could help. Much love to you.