Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Couldn't Resist

Found this picture of me and my sister...

Now ya'll know where the strange affinity for Alabama comes from. Same thing that makes me look so darn comfortable on an ATV, and gave me the stomach for eating venison and the knack for makin' sweet tea. Happiness!!


Anonymous said...

LOL You guys look great! I love that!

Anonymous said...

Mystery Solved!

Now we know who has been raiding the jar of pickle pigs feet at the local circle K. :) Can you take a picture of the bottom of your feet? We want to confirm our findings.

Great picture and comments!

One of His overly zealous redeemed!

Mary said...


Rebecca Jeffries-Hyman said...


uh.... WHAT???

Still don't get it.


Christy said...

It's also what makes you real and unpretentious and approachable and so daggum loveable.