Thursday, April 03, 2008

Why I'm His Favorite

It's been a rough week. I'm talking deep in despair, borderline ready to give up rough. Along with the difficult behavior that 5 year old boys exhibit when adjusting back home from a week's visit with their non-custodial parent, (hmmm... that makes me the custodial parent. Makes sense. The messes are left with me.) plus plenty of drama at work, plus sick kids, plus saying goodbye to my sister, there has been a level of loneliness that is nearly driving me out of my mind.

I've had a husband since I was 18. I know nothing of adult life apart from marriage. At least I didn't until now. And so far it's not that fun. There is a lonely echo in my soul in the place that used to be filled with soothing touches at the end of the day, conversations, a helping hand, a teammate, a person to rely on, a relationship with intimate depth. Now no one holds me at night, or ever.

I'm sad. So sad.

Yesterday, I had nearly reached rope's end, and a friend showed up at work and left me a box with a weeks worth of dinners prepared for me to freeze and use as needed. She didn't know what she did for me. Actually, she didn't know what God did for me through her.

I needed that, and as I carried my box of treasures to the walk-in fridge at work, I told my wondering coworkers, "It's because I'm God's favorite!"

I went on, somehow made it through church and stumbled my way home. Got the kids in bed and fell in bed myself. After a fitful nights sleep, today finally dawned. Sunny everywhere except inside me. We ran late and I had to check the kids in at school. Then Levi had an episode at school and had to be brought to my office. He wasn't in a good mood. I got the kids home and got them fed, then we went over to church where I somehow got through rehearsal. I dragged myself and my kids back home thinking I just can't make it, I can't deal with this. I had felt so alone all day I thought I was going to go nuts.

I didn't even get back into my house before a little car came driving down the road. Inside that little car happened to be two of the dearest sweetest people, who drove all the way from Florida to surprise me for the weekend. They might as well have been Ed McMahon telling me I'd won the million. I still can't believe they are here.

Of course, we soon piled in the car for a trip to Cafe Du Monde, and on the way there Mackenzie piped up from the back seat. "Mom, I think you were right when you said we are God's favorite."

See, I've told her that before. I've told her several times when unexplained wads of cash have been pressed into my hands. I've told her when somebody showed up and mowed our yard. I've told her when God gave me an awesome job.

At every turn, His grace is enough. Sometimes more than enough.

Sometimes, our God has a way of taking a woman who feels rejected and deflected, frumpy and grumpy, and making her feel like the most beautiful treasure. Oh, I know all of you out there have just as much of God's amazing love as I. But for now, I'm dancing in His arms, looking in His eyes, and I just know...

I'm His favorite.


Mary said...

He is so faithful!!!!

Christy said...

Just for now, just this once, I think you may just be right. And you absolutely deserve to be His favorite.

Anonymous said...

I always wonder what the Lord thinks about His people. Does anything take him by surprise? Its amazing to think that we only need to last a season. Just endure this life of temptation. Oh, how unfaithful we are! Yet he is faithful.

Who are we putting first? Is God first, or is our sinful will first? He gave it all for us, and we repay him with this.

Its sad to think that God's people are no different than the world. Still in the bondage of sin. Why should a bird who was set free from the muck of this world return unto that thing?

What really kills me is the effect of sin upon those that are innocent. Wives abandon can't hide it. Kids can't hide it. They are torn apart. They wear it upon their face. It grieves me to remember the faces of those children that I have known who have endured the breaking apart of a family.

Don't give up. Remain true unto the Lord. Stay the course, and don't compromise.

One of His Redeemed!

PS-the mystery continues.

Rebecca Jeffries-Hyman said...

Alright, Redeemed. I'm no Nancy Drew, but I gotta admit, you're killin' me here!

I have to think it's the will of the Lord, since after all in Heaven everything will be known, and since our Lord prayed that the Father's will would be done on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, then there really isn't any reason you shouldn't send me an email and get on with the will of the Lord, right?


Write soon.

Anonymous said...

I guess the mystery will be solved on the other side. I must admit, I like this. You squirm and I giggle.

I bet you do wonder about me. At least you know I have been in your life at times, but who is it?

Have you asked others yet? I wonder if they know? Giggle.

One of His Redeemed.

Rebecca Jeffries-Hyman said...

Hmmm, Redeemed. I wouldn't call it squirming as much as simple curiosity as to why someone would feel the need to comment on my life while shrouded in anonymnity. I make no attempt to hide who I am, and actually find freedom and reward in it. So it seems a bit strange to me. Have you something to hide? Or have you so little faith in your comments that you are unwilling to own them?

I must admit some of your comments smack of a theological prison I once lived in but am now blessedly free from, and the zealot in me would relish a good debate. However, since you seem to prefer the shadows...

I'll be out here in the light if you ever get the guts.


frabjouspoet said...

Okay, I can't hold back any longer. Since I read these comments, I have not been able to get them out of my head.

Frankly, I'm offended that someone would leave enigmatic messages and continue to do so even after being asked to share their identity. It's one thing to be a random reader who feels the need to comment on a post. It's something ENTIRELY different to claim to know the writer. I'm not comfortable reading it. What must it feel like to experience it?

My God and my Bible are very clear that I am to be kind and to do good to those around me and avoid deliberately causing others any form of pain. He is also a God of TRUTH and OPENNESS who despises deceit.

Becky is openly sharing her path as a single mother. She has a tremendous burden to bear right now. The last thing she needs is to wonder who "knows" her from a distance. Has anyone considered what this feels like?

Beck, feel free to delete this comment if you know this person's identity now. I've vented. :)