Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Element of Surprise

So I was on my Thursday night online chat (to which you are cordially invited, visit on Thursday nights at 8 CST, 9 EST) and my husband came home from his band rehearsal feeling ill. I signed off the chat and within an hour was calling 911. My sweet-love apparently has an ulcer that exposed an artery and was bleeding heavily. I'm pleased to say he's out of intensive care now and will hopefully come home in a couple of days.

So there I was, going about life business as usual, and suddenly business was not at all as usual. I can't help noticing that the element of surprise in my life provides the most opportunity for learning. It's funny how we can be moving along and suddenly everything falls apart. Or how we can be trudging along and suddenly a ray of sunshine peeks through the clouds and provides an unexpected pleasure. I must say, God has been keeping the tool of surprise handy as he works in my life. He has used it to give me the loveliest glimpses of His face...

Tonight I type through bleary eyes yet I couldn't let this thought pass unacknowledged. God may surprise me in fiery trial, or He may surprise me in rapturous pleasure. Truth is, He has the right and ability to work in me in any way He sees fit. Just as long as He works in me. I will learn to hold loosely to my plans, since in so doing I learn to hold more tightly to my Jesus. I will learn to embrace His element of surprise, loving the way He snaps me to attention and shows me something I couldn't see before.

God, don't let surprises deter me. Only let them fuel my fire of passion for You. I will willingly be swept away as long as it is You who has opened the floodgate.



frabjouspoet said...

I'm stunned that his illness was that serious...and relieved that he is feeling better. I can't help but think about the chat topic of communication. Perhaps the reason for lack of communication is rooted in our own preconceived notions. You have me thinking now of how often I cope well with the big surprises, but let the little ones get to me. Am I missing lessons in them? Could the communication conundrum be similar? Maybe the key is somewhere on knocking down those ideas we all carry into our relationships.

Christy said...

I am so glad to see your writing here and to know that Matthew will be okay! I have been praying for you and watching for have amazing strength, dear friend. I doubt that I could have handled this with such grace and already have found meaning in the situation!