Sunday, September 10, 2006

My Inner Warrior

Ladies, I have, this day, discovered a fierce warrior lurking inside of me. Yet again, I put off my grocery trip until there was simply nothing but condiments and moldy fruit in my refrigerator. Fearing the possibility of what could be facing me at the local supercenter, I carefully mapped out my meal plan, made my list, loaded up the kids and headed out to Wal-Mart on a Sunday afternoon. There really is nothing on earth that is quite like it. Jostling and crashing, empty shelves and packed aisles - the living, breathing definition of insanity. My kids (who usually get to look at toys with Daddy, but Daddy is out of town today) picked at each other and dragged their feet around every corner in a shameful manner. There were a few times that I cut through several lanes of traffic, kind of hoping to scare them into staying close by and being quiet. It didn't help much, though. I switched strategy mid-store and decided upon the pull-the-cart-into-the-middle-of-the-aisle-crossing-guard-style approach until my ducklings had safely crossed each and every street. By the time I stood in line and paid and got to the car, I felt that collapse was imminent. But, as I drove home, an emboldened sensibility began to sneak up on me. By the time pulled into my driveway, I really was proud of having survived this - I could certainly tackle the rest of the day if I could handle that!
So.....I made a real dinner. Artichokes and everything (yeah - my kids love them!). My daughter suggested candlelight since we were in the middle of a thunderstorm. Feeling a little giddy, I agreed.
They both wound up getting bathed and showered - Zing! I made homemade cookies for dessert - Zap! I even tackled the three loads of laundry that had been moved from my bed to my desk to my bed to my desk to my bed to the kitchen table (thinking this might make it seem more urgent) - Zow!
By the time the kids were in bed, I decided that, after the day's successes, I simply had to pull myself together for one last battle. Armed with the Scrubbing Bubbles and a brand new rag, I screamed out, "Yaaaaaaaarrrgh!" and charged into my shower! Most of you may not understand the pure risk involved in this maneuver. My shower, girls, hasn't been scrubbed in a time akin to the gestation period of a pachyderm. It's just nasty. There was serious danger of my being overpowered by Slimy Fingers of Living Grime (which might be a good name for a rock band - or at least an album).
Maybe it was the way my hair sticks up by this time of day, maybe it was some wild glint in my eye - whatever. I scared it into submission. Not only did I clean the shower, I cleaned all the pieces of the bathroom. At once. A feat not often accomplished in my home.
And so, I retire with a cup of jasmine tea. That's enough for one day. I wouldn't want anyone getting any ideas of what I could really accomplish if I just put my mind to it!
DAILY BLISS: Honestly - jasmine tea.
<3 Christy

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