Sunday, September 24, 2006

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

So.....I'm a total freak. I'm sure you've already guessed that if you've read any of my blog at all. But, I really love autumn. I spent my childhood in Minnesota, and it was always so beautiful when the weather turned cool and the leaves turned colorful. Then we moved to Florida. The most colorful season we have is the muted green of spring. I say muted green, because it's never even that beautiful bright green that comes after everything dies for the winter and comes back to life in the spring. We just don't have much in the way of seasons here.
But I celebrate the change of seasons with my family anyway. I think it's important that my children are aware of God's earth - how its seasons are metaphoric for the seasons in our lives, how there is a constant cycle of death and know....all that deep, poetic stuff that only nerds and poets think about.
We have our rituals for every season, but fall is my favorite! Every year, I hold out the hope that by tossing silk leaves about and serving apple cider and cinnamon-laced desserts, somehow Autumn will hear me calling her and come to visit me here in Florida. She never does, but that hope never seems to die.
This year, we hosted a dinner. I've done this before, but it's been a couple of years. I've spent two days baking and cutting up squash and sweet potatoes! Yummy! Here's a photo of the table in my backyard:
We gathered so many of our dear ones together and everyone enjoyed a bountiful feast! I know that everyone is going to think that I'm crazy now. But here's the thing - I'm not all about being Martha. The dinner was forty-five minutes late getting to the table. Everyone was hot and sweaty, since apparently Miss Autumn didn't hear me calling. It wasn't perfect. But it was so beautiful! Looking down that long table and seeing the ones I love - my friends AND my family all in one place - my grandma, my mom and dad, my friends and some of their parents, my friends and their babies, my brothers and sisters-in-law. What a beautiful reminder of God's Earth and its seasons, and of His people and their seasons.
(sigh) Let me wipe that little tiny tear out of the corner of my eye. I'm headed to the kitchen to find some leftover apple spice cake for breakfast.

<3 Christy


60ish and Glad said...

Well, I guess from the tadpole-to-frog perspective, ti's better to have lived and croaked than never to have lived at all!

60ish and Glad said...

I guess from the tadpole-to-frog's perspective it is better to have lived and croaked than never to have lived at all!

Anonymous said...

Christy, you sure know how to throw a dinner party!

Everything is so beautiful & so "autumn-ish".

I really enjoyed meeting you at the event last weekend and chatting with you and your mom.

Rebecca Jeffries-Hyman said...

Hey Sonya!! I enjoyed meeting you as well - and my mom has even mentioned how she enjoyed meeting you and your mom!
I hope it wasn't the last time we will meet :) There's a Starbucks right around the corner from my house.....