Thursday, September 04, 2008


OK, so I spent today driving from Lakeland to New Orleans. Unfortunately, minus my babies. They are remaining in Lakeland for a couple of weeks since electricity and some sewer situations are sketchy here. However, it's back to work for me.

So since there is no electricity at my home, I'm sleeping at work. Never a dull moment in my life. But, as always, there are many blisses. Here are a few:

*76 degree weather for at least half of my drive. Which I thoroughly enjoyed with the windows down, singing Reba McIntyre's "Fancy" at the top of my lungs. I know ALL the words. All the 4x4 truck drivers were impressed.
*The precious saint who cleaned the food out of my refrigerator. Absolutely NO stink in my house when I arrived. Thank you, whoever you are!!! Your heavenly crown is practically gaudy by now.
*The smell of pine. Real pine. Coming from the trees.
*Rock Star coffee drinks. Only 50 calories.
*Two, count 'em, TWO girls nights with my Christy!!


Mary said...

I'm totally picturing the girl in the sedan singing "Fancy" down the interstate.

"Here's your one chance Fancy don't let me down..."

Anonymous said...

Kind of expected it to be the soundtrack to "Mama Mia" since you'll need to practice for the sing-along at the theater. :) Love you!

Christy said...

Mmmm. Girl. That's quite a list of happiness. And I relished our girls' nights too - real face-to-face ones and not just late-at-night-phone ones!