Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Just a few more pick-me-ups in case you also are looking for a mood lifter...

Big crock pots full of chili
A haircut
Laughs. Lots of them.
Framily (that's my new name for the amazing friends I have that I might as well share blood with)
Homemade icing
More laughs
Repaired laundry closet doors
Fresh limes in my water
Sunflower seeds
A new hair color
Possible trips to my homeland
More laughs
A long conversation with Christy... completely uncensored
Black coffee on my desk by 8:45am
Long walks

Not by any means an exhaustive list, but this is what's workin for me right now.


Christy said...

Mmmhmm. Uncensored conversation is workin' fer me too darlin. Heaps better today :)

frabjouspoet said...

That black coffee sounds soooo good right now. I've been wanting coffee all week but have been too rushed in the morning to make it at home and don't have time to stop anywhere on the way to work.