Friday, January 29, 2010


It's been WAY too long since I did this.

My life is full of little blisses. Last night, a long conversation with a friend who is walking through what I walked through 2 years ago made me remember. How did you get through? He asked. I focused on life's smallest joys. That was really the main thing I did. And I've quit doing it as much as I should. Smiles come my way through:

A big yellow dog with hair all over my boy after they play.
My very own chef who makes me pancakes on his day off.
Selfsame chef who puts up with me tossing and turning all night and wakes up to see if I need anything, and then still gets up on his day off to help me get the kids ready.
A primping twelve year old girl who borrows my necklace and my lotion.
My Sugarland CD. Turned up LOUD.
Starbucks Venti Passion Tea, Iced with an extra shot of sweet, baby!
Lunch with a friend
Mardi Gras!! And KING CAKE!!

A short list, but effective. Enjoy your own blisses today!


Christy said...

Lovely, lovely things all.

frabjouspoet said...

I've come to the conclusion that the BEST pancakes are always made by someone else.

I also have to agree with you about how you get through that kind of pain. It really takes a daily inventory of what's going right in your world. That's certainly what did it for me, too.

Mary said...

It's a tangible way to commit our spirits into His hands. My flesh may be confined and tangled in the nets of the enemy, but my spirit is freely enjoying the dance floor in a "large room" Ps. 31:8 KJV

Am I betraying my need to be there? I just got a lot of joy out of that this morning and made my own list of "blisses." Three of them are sitting in the living room watching Toy Story on a snow day in Nashville.