Sunday, November 04, 2007

Havin' FUN

My son told me something this week. (He turned five on Friday!) On Wednesday, we were headed to school and I reminded him that he would be having a party at school, it being Halloween and all. He enthusiastically said: "YES! God is gonna have so much FUN goin' with me today!"

Wow. A five year old just taught me one of the most valuable lessons of my life. Oh, I know God loves me. I've been taught since before I could understand words. But I guess I've always had the notion that He does His share of arm-crossing as He monitors my life. I often forget that God enjoys me, and wants me to enjoy Him.

As the good, strict Baptist I've always been, I've not regularly pictured God enjoying Himself, and certainly never at a Halloween party. My son hasn't had time for made-up rules to cloud his understanding. He knew the truth: God was goin' with him, and they were gonna have fun. That's the kind of relationship you and I can have with God, too. No wonder Jesus said unless we become like little children, we won't enter the kingdom of Heaven.

I'm off to watch my brother perform at a family community festival. I have a feeling God'll have fun there, too.


Christy said...

I was raised on the notion that God loves a good party. I think that's why my family has so many parties! But I think that the notion of God enjoying us speaks to the nature of what community with other people should be too. If we model how we relate to others on how God relates to us, we certaily will enjoy each other more, and try to fix each other a lot less.
I'll never forget that, a couple of years ago, I heard a teaching on heaven that struck me. I think it was in one of John Eldredge's books and he talked about heaven being the ultimate fulfilment of those moments when we feel like "I was made for this!" I so clearly felt God tell me I was made for the party.
So, girl, you got a wise little one there. At the very least, Levi and I are on the same page when it comes to God!

Mary said...

I've heard that kids view God through their relationship with their dads. Matt must be a fun dad.

I loved making my dad laugh growing up and to this day I picture God laughing at a good way. :)