This weekend, I sat by a lake and "had church." Me and God, my thinline HCSB and about half an hour. He kissed me with some breezes and winked at me in the sparkles on the lake. And... (hear me whispering) He told me some secrets.
They were secrets I really needed to hear. I needed more than a sermon, more than a Sunday School lesson. I needed God's heart and mine in an unbroken embrace. I needed connection with God that can't be explained in something as limited as human language. The kind of connection where He works on parts of my heart that I'm not even aware of. The scars of tears and snot on my onion skin Bible pages are the only tangible remnants of those moments. Yet, I'm different somehow.
Here's a little gem from those precious minutes by the lake:
Philippians 1:9 "And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment so that you can determine what really matters..." This is something I desperately need: the kind of love that knows what is really important. I need the knowledge that can differentiate between good and best. I need the kind of loving discernment that knows when something is important enough to take a stand, and when the most important thing is to let go.
At this moment, I know one thing that really matters: God wants to whisper to me. This weekend, He did just that.
And to top it all off... GEAUX SAINTS!!! It ain't been easy so far, but we finally came out winners tonight!!