Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journey Hog

I have nowhere near enough time to say everything going on in my head. For now, however, I simply HAVE to bust out these words that have been inspiring me over the past couple of days. I read them in Hoda Kotb's new book.

"Don't hog your journey. It's not just for you... You can take your business, shove it deep in your pockets, and take it to your grave. Or you can help someone. It's your choice."

OK, so if you've been reading this blog for a long time, or if you've known me a long time, you know that the last couple of years I've been a TOTAL journey hog. Perhaps out of a need for privacy, perhaps out of a need to have control over SOMETHING, ANYTHING. For whatever reason, the well of words that is my heart has been covered over and hidden.

I read these words and God said: "You HEAR THAT??? Are you listening to Me?? It's time to stop hogging your journey."

That's what He said. So I don't know how exactly, but I will loosen my grip. I will uncover the well and let whatever's in there spill out. I've definitely backed away from the edge... which I suppose is ok for a time. But I can't continue to live that way.

Here goes...


Christy said...

I can't wait.

frabjouspoet said...

This reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend last night about releasing ourselves into the world.