Monday, November 16, 2009


Just a few questions...

Why does pregnancy make food fall on your clothes? I walk around every day with SOMETHING on my shirt. Am I really that much of a pig?

Why can't I ever, EVER get full? I'm hungry ALL the time!!

How is it that I can be so proud of my daughter and how grown up she is, and want her to come back and be a baby again all at the same time??

Is it really true that a new baby can make me love the babies I already have a million times more?

Why do I expect so much of myself? Why all the perfectionism crap?

Where is my nap?

Where do college students' parents think their children are when they are actually sitting near me and my family on the streetcar wearing next to nothing and acting way too desperate? And how will I keep my daughter from engaging in such?

Why are the people at the coffee shop on Oak Street and Carollton so unfriendly? I mean, you can be bohemian and funky and all... and still be friendly to your customers. GOSH!! All I wanted was a steamer.

Will my son remember walking to the streetcar stop and riding downtown with me and his S-Dad, just for fun? Will he remember all the crazy stuff we can see in this city? Will he know how much fun I had showing it to him?

Why can't we watch Napoleon Dynamite every day? I love that movie!! Are you gonna eat your tots?

How come I'm writing these silly questions when there are a zillion other deep thoughts I could be sharing?

Why can't every day be Monday?

Why do I let people who have done enough to hurt me, and yet somehow still feel entitled to treat me as he, I mean they, please continue to hurt me? I think I'm finished with that.

What are we havin' for Thanksgiving? Pecan pie, I hope. I'd really love some pecan pie right now.

Why don't I spend more time being silly? I haven't been nearly silly enough. There goes that perfectionism again...

Who knows...

And I thought I had all the answers... Turns out I mostly just have questions.


Mary said...

After this baby comes you need to bring that bunch up to Nashville and come up with some more questions.

We'll put you up of course and we still have a pack-n-play so little Caleb won't have to pack his own.

And I'll catch you a delicious bass.

Christy said...

Ah. That wicked perfectionism that turns the act of being silly into an item that must be accomplished, thus rendering it as un-silly as it can possibly get. I am familiar with that one.
Oh, and where is my nap, indeed.

frabjouspoet said...

I decided yesterday that perfectionism is just a repressed competitive spirit. I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I think it has something to do with the fact that much of the world seems to think that competition is evil. Yet, I *know* that some of us were designed to compete. Oh, and Napoleon Dynamite *is* a fabulous of my favorites.

frabjouspoet said...

I decided yesterday that perfectionism is just a repressed competitive spirit. I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I think it has something to do with the fact that much of the world seems to think that competition is evil. Yet, I *know* that some of us were designed to compete. Oh, and Napoleon Dynamite *is* a fabulous of my favorites.